Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel my subscription at anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime - through the “Cancel” option in your account settings on the website or the request to our technical support. When subscription is canceled, the plan will be valid until the end of the prepaid period.
The service or the result did not meet my expectations. Can I get a refund?
Yes - we would be happy if you share your experience and expectations with us and we will be happy to give you a full refund.
I forgot to cancel my subscription. Can I get a refund?
Yes - if you let us know shortly after your last payment for a new period and you haven't used the service in that period, we'll give you a refund for the last payment.
How are conversions counted?
The period for counting your conversions starts when you order the plan. Then the system takes into account conversions for last 30 days from the current date. The plan is completely reset to initial values after 30 days from your last conversion. Each conversion older than 30 days is forgotten.
How secure is my data?
All data transfers are performed using the encrypted SSL protocol, which ensures secure data transfer. Both uploaded and converted data is temporarily stored in the data center and is further processed according to the user’s request. After some time, the data is automatically deleted - there is no need to delete it manually. Nobody other has access to the data in the meantime - except you and our technical support on user request.
I’m unable to log in
Check that the email you’re using to log in is the same as the one you used for creating the account. Find registration email or any other from us in your inbox and check the address to which it was sent. Our services also allow you to log in using third party accounts – Google or Facebook. If you fail to log in using username and password, try to log in with your Facebook or Google account (if you have any) or ask for password reset through “Forgot your password” link. If none of the above helped, feel free to contact our Support.